Saturday 6 November 2010

Against the odds: 50,000 to 1,097

On Monday I started working on a story for NaNoWriMo.  The aim is to write a 50,000 word novel by 30th November, which works out at around 1,600ish words a day.  By Tuesday I had 1,097 words.

Today I still have 1,097 words. 

Now, the chances of me catching up on the missed wordcount are pretty slim and with everything going on at the moment, (still fighting off a cold, busy week at work, water & electric company to phone, bills to pay etc,etc) it would make sense for me to admit defeat, right?          

Right.  Except that I don't want to, because the 1,097 words I have written are the start of the novel I have been attempting to write for the past 7 years.    

Time to crack on!