Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Moving and the pursuit of fiction

First blog post since January. Hmm... I guess the resolution to be a regular blogger didn't exactly work out.

Oh well, onward we go.

This evening, I packed the last of my books into boxes. We're moving on Friday and as always, I have left pretty much everything until the last minute.

I had a delightful conversation with a member of the Sky 'moving home' team earlier this week, in which they oh so helpfully said that the gargantuan hole in the wall through which the satellite cable runs is 'not their problem'. Also, the earliest they can come to set us up at the new place is next Thursday, which means a week without television.

The other half is distraught. I, on the other hand, am secretly pleased. No tv means no temptation to laze around in a semi-coma every evening watching whatever crap is on the box. No tv means I might actually get some of my sodding assignment done (which I really should be doing right now!)

I will also have no internet, which is potentially more distressing than no tv.

I'm really into podcast fiction at the moment. Loving Xenos Beach by Graham Joyce on the Dark Fiction Magazine website. I don't actually listen on an iPod. I think that I must be one of the few people in the universe who doesn't own an mp3 player. I am thinking, however that in the pursuit of fiction it may be a worthy investment.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

One space or two...?

I discovered something on twitter the other day that shook my entire world.

It turns out that I have been typing incorrectly for my entire life. After a full stop I always hit the space bar twice. That's the way I was taught was correct, that's how I've always done it. A double tap on the space bar at the end of a sentence is like breathing to me. But apparently one space is actually correct and therefore, as a writer by trade and by leisure, I must re-wire my brain and force my fingers to conform.

I think I'm more amazed that in all my years in education, at 6th Form and university, no-one has ever pulled me up on this astounding error, which I consider to be such a vital part of the writing process.

On the bright side, at least I found out now and not 30 years down the line...


Sunday, 9 January 2011

New Year, New Plan

First post of 2011 - Happy New Year! (although it's not really new anymore...) 

I don't bother making a New Year's Resolution as I never keep them and I tend to make the same ones year after year, which defeats the point entirely.

Having said that, I am going to focus much more on writing this year and in particular, getting my writing out there and published.